Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sehr Gut!

In response to my mom's comment on the last entry I wrote- The first thing one of the speakers said to us at orientation was "If you wanted to excel academically, you should have stayed at home." True dat ;)

I'm leaving tonight and off to Berlin tomorrow morning, 6 am- ouch. Just hope this bus schedule works out, there was a complication in the plan...
I'll be back Sunday evening, if you need to reach me I'll be checking my email or give me a ring. Auf Wiedersehen!


EsperanzaHope said...

Have an amazing time in Germany- tell Carrie and Colin I say hi!! Glad to know there are things about your program that you hate too- I thought I was the only one, lol!

Can't wait to come visit you soon- my classes won't be determined for a few more weeks so as soon as I get a concrete schedule I'm off to the motherland!

Muchos besos chica!! Love and miss you more!

Anonymous said...

lol, sorry...that was from me (nicole)

Eileen said...

Hi LL! I figured it was you. Can't wait to see you babe, let me know when you're thinking of coming- MWAH!

shelley fabrizio said...

cannot wait to hear about the traveling gal....... how lucky are you...??

Kyle M said...

What are the 3 most exciting sounds in the world?