Monday, February 5, 2007


VERJUICE: n 1. the sour juice of crab apples or unripe fruit *2: acidity of disposition or manner
Eileen was quite verjuice this morning after Da Bears' devastating loss last night.

Ahhh, gotta love the word-a-day calendar. It always knows how I feel.

Well last night I went out to watch the superbowl, and ended up being a very sad panda indeed. But oh well, life goes on.

Other than that the past week has been pretty uneventful. I've just been hanging out with some friends and sleeping a lot. There really isn't much to do here since there isn't any school work, so it can get a bit boring. Not that I'm complaining! I'm just glad that I've made a few friends that I really clicked with and have some people to pass the time with.

This weekend Colin is coming to visit and there is a huge birthday party for one of his friends, so I'm really looking forward to that. Other than that I'll just be hanging out, reading and such. It's funny how slowly this place feels more and more like home. I hope all of you are doing well!

EDIT: I forgot to mention the highlight of the week. My friend Grant and I found our calling in the form of the Centre Bar. It's a pub in the middle of a grocery store parking lot, like 2 seconds from my apartment. We're determined to become regulars, despite that we're pretty sure it's a tinker bar. We actually call it Tinkers anyway. The place is amazing.

1 comment:

Nicole Fabrizio said...

a bar....close to a grocery store?!? do you know how jealous i am??