Monday, January 29, 2007

The three most exciting sounds...

(in answer to Kyle's question)

1. Airplane landing gear hitting the runway
2. The crack of a baseball hitting a bat when it sounds like homerun distance
3. The Tsss-clink of opening a bottle of beer

Leave your answers in the comments...

EDIT: Here's the correct answer-

George Bailey: You know what the three most exciting sounds in the world are?
Uncle Billy: Uh-huh. Breakfast is served. Lunch is served. Dinner...
George: No, no, no, no! Anchor chains, plane motors and train whistles.

Thank you wikiquote. That was pretty tricky Kyle- I've got my eye on you now...


Anonymous said...

What did George Bailey say in It's a Wonderful Life? Train whistles, anchor chains.. and I can't remember the third.


Eileen said...

Haha, totally missed that. I thought this was just a random inquiry of Kyle.

Kyle M said...

I think I may get a green jumpsuit with question marks on it...

Eileen said...

Oh for sure. Then you can run for office, I suggest somewhere on the west coast to avoid competition from all those other RIers with the same idea.

Kyle M said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kyle M said...

Please disregard the last post, i forgot I have to format my html...

Just keeping our dubious connections straight here:

I was thinking this:
the riddler
But it just as easily could have been this guy I was talking about:
matthew lesko
And then you were referring to this guy, whom I compared to the latter:
rod driver

Eileen said...

Why isn't Rod wearing a question mark suit? Have you been lying to me? Baaad brother.

I almost died laughing looking at the picture of Matthew Lesko. How did you know his name anyway?

Kyle M said...

Pretty much, I googled "question mark suit guy".

I didn't ever say that Rod Driver wore a question-mark suit. I just thought that his attitude in his commercials was a lot like that of the question mark suit man. To me, he's Lesko-esque. Really, now that I think of it, it's a pretty shaky connection.

Kyle M said...

I like how the time stamp is Greenwich-mean. It makes me feel like I'm in a time warp, and I am posting this in February.

Eileen said...

We are so far ahead of you guys. Ireland is totally on the cutting edge. Suckers!

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