Monday, January 22, 2007


So the RyanAir website won't let me purchase tickets right now. It says to click on the "Continue" button, but there isn't one. What is up with that? So aggravating.

So goes without saying that I'm booking another trip! This one is to go visit Colin in Aberdeen. I'm leaving the night of February 15th and coming back the night of the 19th. Should be really great. And Colin is going to come back with me and stay in Galway a few days and then We'll head to Sweden the next weekend. Amaaaazing!

One thing I keep forgetting to mention- If any New Trier people are reading this, not only did I run into Micaela Moran my first day at school here but I have three classes with her. It's nuts what a small world it is, and how huge NT is.

So basically registration here is the worst thing i can imagine. Registering here is like being a kangaroo screwing in a lightbulb (props ethef). Today was supposed to be my final registration, after waiting in person to register with each department, I had to go drop off a form with all my classes on it. Well along with being poorly organized here, they're also just plain stupid. Apparently to them, being open until 4:30 means locking the doors at 4:20. And the woman wouldn't let me give it to her as she was leaving, I have to go back tomorrow. Ugh- #1 on the list of things I miss about home: online registration.

Also, if Emma and MB are reading- I'd like to let you know that you have truly made a difference in my life. Last night I came home and my roommates had left a total mess when they went to Milan for the weekend, so while I was making dinner I CLEANED THE WHOLE PLACE! I did all the dishes and everything. It was nuts, I finally felt the impact of having neat-freak roommates, since the disgustingness drove me crazy. So I'd like to thank you for that. mwah!

For now, that's it, just thought I'd pass the time... I'll go try RyanAir again now. Later Gators.


shelley fabrizio said...

keep the fun coming... I am actually laughing out loud! you are hysterical!!!! also..... go bears... and thanks for texting me... I was having so much fun that I missed your time.. love ya. your Shel Bel

Eileen said...

Oh good! I didn't know if I could text you guys, which is why I sent them. Now I'll be text-stalking you!

Kyle M said...

ryanair: did you try it in a different browser?

Jayne said...

Too bad you have to take time out of your busy traveling schedule to register and attend classes! that's the life of a study abroad coed. Have fun, but not too much!

Love you,
