Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Day?

So U of I has a snow day for the first time in I think 30 years. They couldn't have had it last winter? I mean, come on. Although I don't have to deal with walking through feet of snow for the next couple weeks, so I guess it's okay.

Not too much is new in my life over here. Today I got a package from the Momsters with my moccasins and a bunch of Valentine's Day candy, so right now I'm wearing the moccasins while shoveling hershey kisses into my face. I'm pretty content to say the least.

Last week I didn't really do much, kinda hung out with some friends. The balls were on last week, which are the annual dances that each college hosts, so that was the big buzz around my apartment. My Irish roommates all got glammed up prom-style, with their hair and make-up done and everything. It was fun seeing them all going out, and even more fun seeing them come home and then immediately go out again. Going to a ball is pretty much a 24-hour deal, because everyone stays out all night and then goes to the college bar all day the next day still in their formal wear. It was pretty hilarious, and my classes were empty on Thursday haha.

Colin visited over the weekend and it was really fun. On Friday we went to a party that one of his friend's had, and despite our intentions we ended up not going out, just staying there all night. Then on Saturday we hung around my apartment and went out that night to a pub for some good ol' Guinness. Sunday we watched the Ireland-France rugby game at a bar with a bunch of people, and then watched LOST (amaaaazing!) before he had to catch a bus back to Dublin for his flight in the morning. It was a really fun and relaxing weekend. This weekend I'm going to go visit him in Aberdeen, so I'll probably have some more interesting things to say about that.

So you're probably saying to yourself "It doesn't sound like Eileen ever does anything. What is she doing to occupy herself?" Well, there's really a simple answer- Perez Hilton. And this past week has been especially enthralling with the death of Anna Nicole Smith. If you don't know, Perez Hilton is a celebrity gossip website, and the most addicting thing I've ever read. The Superficial is a good one too. But with all the madness going on with ANS, I've had to spend a lot of time keeping up with the latest news. It's been pretty busy. And believe me, I've got my own conspiracy theories. Howard K. Stern is one evil man, that's all I'm going to say.

Well I better go now, I have my first assignment for the semester due tomorrow- pretty crazy!

Happy Valentine's Day!


shelley fabrizio said...

Happy V-DAy to you.... sounds like you are a pretty content Irish girl..... love it....school.. hard, easy .. no big whoop??? which one... love ya. see you in 6 weeks.. wo wo

Eileen said...

Oh I am a very happy Irish girl!! Happy valentine's to you too!
School=joke here. It's great, we never have anything to do, classes are pretty unnecessary, and all I need to do is pass them, so I'm golden!
Can't wait to see you!

Nicole Fabrizio said...
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Nicole Fabrizio said...

Sorry, that link didn't really turn out...anyways it was Chief's last dance on youtube